Corona, LA
+1 (951) 272-3942
Van Nuys, LA
+1 (747) 877-2946
Corona, LA
+1 (951) 272-3942
Van Nuys, LA
+1 (747) 877-2946
Introducing the ultimate pathway to soaring success: the 0-1500 Training Program for US Citizens! Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey from ground zero to the captivating skies as you fast-track your way to becoming an airline pilot.
A straightforward path to Frontier Airlines is guaranteed!
The Zero to 1500 hours course is designed for future pilots with no current flight experience. The training starts from PPL(A) to CPL(A) and continues the IR(A), MEP and Flight Instructor ratings, under FAA. You will have an additional 1300 hours of experience within 2 years of working as a Flight Instructor (Pilot-in-Command time) with Flying Academy, reaching up to 1500 hours total time, that is not only a crucial milestone for all airlines, but also a turning point for each pilot’s personal flight experience.
During the Zero to 1500 hours, the trainee will complete theoretical courses for PPL(A), IR(A), MEP(A), ATPL theory & FI(A). For the FI rating, the trainee will undergo dedicated preparation to meet the standards of quality of Flying Academy for Flight Instructors. Additionally, you will be able to attend the theoretical training from the comfort of your home with Flying Academy Worldwide Online Campus.
The flight training will start with the PPL(A) and Night Rating, continues with IR(A), MEP(A), CPL(A) and finally FI(A). At the end of the training plus 2 years of employment, the trainee will have a minimum of 1500 total flight hours (including PPL(A) time):
The applicant has to demonstrate the theoretical knowledge at the FAA approved office in the form of written tests.
The pilot must be at least 17 years of age to be able to get a Commercial Pilot License.
You need to be physically fit for commercial flying (capable of holding FAA Pilot Medical Certificate Class 2)
You need to be able to read, write, understand and speak English fluently.